Welcome to our site
Welcome to Zodiac Enthusiasts, welcome to your zodiac new community. The place where all zodiac lovers and true enthusiasts can meet and read about their zodiac signs.
We are a small group of people who are enthusiastic and love astrology. In our website, we try not to be biased or to discriminate anyone based on the information given (if you have any, please contact us here). In our website, you can find lots of information about the zodiac and astrology in general. All of the contents written are carefully prepared by us (a group of astrology enthusiast) with great attention without prejudice. It is important to note that all the information provided here is based on the position of the Sun in the native chart.
Our intention is not to fool or ask anyone to pay for any of our services. All our understanding about the zodiac and horoscope is written in the form of articles to give the reader a sense of what astrology is and what the reading of the stars is. We don’t want to force anyone to believe in what we write or think. We let you the reader be the judge of it. We have also prepared a disclaimer where we explain our intentions with our users