Capricorn Mother Behavior
Capricorn is a feminine sign governed by Saturn. Saturn is the planet that rules Capricorn’s destiny and teaches them self-control and a sense of duty. From this severe planet, the Capricorn mother draws strength of mind and the ability to face commitments without ever complaining. Capricorn’s mother is efficient and well-organized. She can remain detached in tackling and solving daily difficulties. She is not an intrusive person and has a clear sense of the measure.
Dedicated To Be The Best Mother
The Capricorn Mother dedicates her best attention to her loved ones and strives to ensure that her children lack her love and care. She maintains her independence and her role in the world. The work for her is crucial because it allows her to keep her autonomy and economic tranquility. She cares very much about the warmth of her family, and she likes her child to go with her grandparents. This woman can be considered cold and not expansive.
The Capricorn Mom And The Child In Early Age
For her, it is an essential experience for the birth of her child. She is faced with serenity because it comes to the crown of a project of her life. Capricorn’s mother can decide to marry and have children with a certain delay compared to other signs, but when she opens up to this opportunity, she does so in total awareness of the choice made.
Even before the birth of her baby, the mother Capricorn begins to think of the baby layette. It is the mother who goes to stores dedicated to children looking for dresses and accessories. She wants comfort for her children. She would buy quality materials for her children.
Capricorn’s Mother’s Love For Her Child Born In Different Sign
The first loves will live without too many apprehensions, and the Capricorn mother will know how to be a dear parent, who dispenses wise advice and knows how to stay close without too much talking. She’d probably have a better dialogue with the male child. Instead, a conversation with the female child will take time to create a stronger bond.
Prosperity will be with the children born in the Signs of the Earth, especially the Virgo who in many traits of character resembles her. Some problems can arise, due to differences in views and feelings, with a child born in the Sign of Cancer, while with Scorpio there will be an agreement that goes beyond words.
Pisces can feel reassured by their particular character, but risk becoming overwhelmed by them. The Air Signs, excluding Libra, have temperaments entirely different from their own and, in some cases, trying to understand becomes difficult. Those Fire Signs will be a good exercise for her understanding and adapting slowly to create a stronger bond.

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Taking Care Of Her Child
She is efficient in her role, concentrated in what she does, and far from any form of apprehension. When dealing with her child, she resorts to her excellent reason. Also, she knows how to deal with even the most difficult situations. Her cold blood emerges in moments of crisis, and if her child is ill, she manages to maintain her presence so that she can take crucial decisions quickly and without anxiety.
She carefully follows the advice of the pediatrician and gives great importance to the rhythms that her child must follow. Her day is always well organized and punctuated by the various occupations concerning the house and her child. She sets a time to play and rest. She makes sure that this good habit continues even when it will be more significant.
Taking Care Of Herself
Regarding the diet she is somewhat rigid and, in the first months, she follows it with extreme accuracy the medical prescription, so much so as not to be able to grant herself a small exemption. Capricorn’s mother hardly decides without first listening to the pediatrician and is less likely than other mothers to let herself be guided by instinct.
Capricorn’s mother cares about her little child with such tenderness and does not regret if she can not get enough sleep or if the work at home has doubled. She willingly accepts support from her family, but for most of the work, she prefers to do it in the first person because in this way she felt closer to her desires.
Capricorn Mother Freedom
It is not, however, a mother hen and holds much to the emancipation of her child, even if, in the least invasive way, she would like to delay herself to be able to take care of her child as much as possible. She is very affectionate. She loves keeping her child close to her and playing with him, even despite her most serious temperament.
The love she feels is obvious and expresses herself through many small gestures. Perhaps not very evident, which reveals the deep feeling that unites her with her child. She does not like to rush the baby in growth. She follows her transformation with serenity.
In relationships she tries to favor couples who have children of her child’s age, to make him/her happy and not to have to establish relationships with newly-known people. Even if she does not show it, she is timid, and this quality combines with confidentiality.
Capricorn Child Education
For her Capricorn child, she will do anything to protect him. Entering the school world is lived serenely. For some time she has become accustomed to the idea of detachment, which sometimes happens in advance for purely practical reasons. And then she is happy that her baby gains independence and soon becomes significant and autonomous. Let’s not forget that when she was young, she tried very to liberate herself from her family.
Precisely for this reason, she will encourage her child to do the same because she considers this achievement of great value. Another essential importance for the mother Capricorn is providing her child with an education. She believes this is the basis of every healthy relationship. She takes up much of her time to pass on to her child the basic rules of life.
From his entrance to kindergarten, she tries to stimulate him to socialize and maintain proper behavior. She is not the mother who comes into conflict with the teachers. She is patient and careful not to create obstacles, but she pretends a lot, especially on the educational level and, without resorting to too extreme positions she succeeds, with kindness and firmness, to reflect her ideas.

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Her Behavior In The House
In her house, she does not tolerate disorder, which is why she asks her child to pay proper attention to his notebooks, games, and room. She is likely to ask him not to use the corners of the house reserved for the parents. When her child goes to compulsory school, control over him is even more critical.
She expects results and does not always manage to be ductile in this desire, up to expect from the child more than what his age and its maturation can grant him. Her attitude would be positive if helped to increase their self-esteem in him, but it is harmful if she forces him to grow up too fast.
The Capricorn Mom Of A Teenager
She can be the mother who knows how to keep up with the times and fully understand the needs of adolescents or the mother who is too firm in her principles that she cannot identify with the reality of the moment she is living.
Capricorn’s mother is rigid in her values but if she wants she can use the wisest and far-sighted part of his Saturn and be, thus, a person who knows how to look beyond. Her sense of responsibility increases during this period. She worries about her child’s choices and his performance at school. She would like to keep control of his life outside the home and decide on his companies.
Tips For The Capricorn Mom
Her wisdom will always be, over the years, a support and a guide for her child, especially if accompanied by an excellent ability to observe his current confidentiality. These skills will allow the Capricorn mother to intervene at the right time or to stay on the sidelines when the situation requires it.
The closeness and support of the father are essential for the psychological and moral growth of her child, for this reason, she should encourage her husband, without forcing him to support her in raising their child. Surely she will be an exceptional mother and eventually, grandmother. In time she will know how to respect the choices of the child.

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Capricorn Mother’s Intentions
She plans to prepare the way for her child tomorrow so he would have a well-paid and successful profession. Precisely because of this, she wants to interfere in her child’s academic orientation to make sure that he does not take the wrong direction. Capricorn’s mother’s affection will bring her back to moderate suggestions for her child’s future.
She sparsely condemns her desire to be with her peers and, of course, she will not be the first in the group to have a means of locomotion, but if she wants to participate in a sport or study trip with his school, certainly will not deny him permission.