The female symbol seem designed with a circle supported on a cross. This symbol represents a static element linked to the past which brings it back to the present day by conditioning it. In the symbol the strength of the feminine is described for the essence and sacrifice. Also with the aim of favoring the birth, growth or improvement of someone or something.
Clearly, this represents the cross at the bottom of the symbol when it is contextualized by the strength of the feminine. In the astral sphere, the same symbol is described with the planet Venus. Moreover for the Greek-Roman tradition Venue remains the planet dedicated to the goddess of beauty Aphrodite.
Often used as a typical expression of the feminine with related aspects such as seduction and the perception of material reality through emotional feeling.
The male symbol, on the other hand, rests represented by the circle that “generates and throws” an arrow to the right. The masculine symbol represents dynamic motion. Not to forget the energy that constitutes the present with the intent to improve the future. This is why the arrow is pointing to the right because for those born in the West the right represents the future and the left in the past.
From the sexual point of view the arrow also represents the male phallus and the sperm. Indeed a dynamic element during the sexual act, which contains the maximum masculine energy. Clearly with the ability to fertilize the feminine and create a new life. In the astral sphere, the same symbol represents the planet Mars God of War both for the Greeks and for the Romans.
This symbolizes the attitude of the masculine, who has the force and the strength to fight. Such power, when guided by high principles, fights for justice and defends the oppressed. However on the other hand when driven by chaos, it generates the death and destruction of all. Clearly for those considered weak and different. The masculine is a force that expresses itself and sees reality through rational, logical thought.