The Symbol Of Mercury Planet
In astrology the symbol that identifies the planet Mercury (the closest planet to the sun) is a sign that derives from alchemy. The symbol of Mercury Planet is composed of a half moon. The half mood opens upwards indicating a sign of receptivity reminiscent of the moon. These attributes are entirely in line with the characteristics of Mercury Planet and its personality.
Hence it is the planet of openness, new ideas, quick messages, and intelligence. On the astrological level, Mercury governs the sign of Gemini, usually indicating tremendous thinkers and skillful inventors, connecting to the sign of the half moon which also suggests the importance of free thought. The sign of Gemini is the main zodiacal sign, followed by the sign of the Virgo, a sign of earth that makes the ideas derived from the planet Mercury factual.
Free thoughts pass through the half moon and arrives in the belly of the Mercurial symbol where we find a perfect circle. At this point ideas pass a gestation period as if they were in the womb. The circle is a universal symbol for the Earth as well as that of the Sun, tells us to express rational, logical or accurate concepts.
At this point comes in the sign of the Virgo. The sign of Virgo is more in tune with the Earth Element and therefore skilled personalized ideas that have been born from the detailed part of Mercury. Without the sign of the Virgo, the thoughts could not be realized. They would remain only the whispering of the mind. The symbol of Mercury ends with the cross with the same arms or an equilateral cross. This indicates that thoughts have revealed themselves in the material world.
Galleries Overview The smallest planet in our solar system and nearest to the Sun, Mercury is only slightly larger than Earth’s Moon. The Latest Comet Atlas May Have Been a Blast From the Past. From the surface of Mercury, the Sun would appear more than three times as large as it does when viewed from Earth, and the sunlight would be as much as seven times brighter.
Despite its proximity to the Sun, Mercury is not the hottest planet in our solar system – that title belongs to nearby Venus, thanks to its dense atmosphere. Because of Mercury’s elliptical –egg-shaped – orbit, and sluggish rotation, the planet appears more than three times as large as it does when viewed from Earth. Mercury is the closest planet to the sun and has a thin atmosphere, no air pressure and an extremely high temperature. When viewed from Earth, the sunlight would be as much as seven times brighter.
Few Facts About Planet Mercury
- This planet has always been linked by mythology to the signs of Gemini and Virgo and has always symbolized “the one who carries the messages of the Gods”, depicted as a boy with shoes and a helmet with wings, which allow him to move at the speed of thought, carrying the orders of divinity. He protected the thieves, but also those who worked with communication and were invoked for good new rapids.
- Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and is difficult to observe because it is always low on the horizon at evening or morning twilight
- It is a small rocky planet with a diameter less than half that of the Earth and has a surface similar to that of the Moon.
- There is neither water nor atmosphere, during the day its surface is burned by the intensity of sunlight, while at night the temperature drops below freezing.
- Of the five planets visible to the naked eye, Planet Mercury (closest to the sun) is the most difficult to observe since it is always close to the Sun, and in general, binoculars are needed to locate it, the best time to observe it is when it is at the maximum angular distance from our star.
- Sometimes it can be observed as it passes in front of the solar disk, a phenomenon called a transit.
- The planet’s surface temperature, at the height of the equator, during the day is about 450 ° C, in the period of maximum approach to the Sun, however, some areas in the shade, inside the craters near the poles, could remain perpetually at temperatures below 0 ° C, while at night the planet’s surface temperature drops to -180 ° C.
- It appears similar to the Moon, since the rocky surfaces of both bodies are extensively cratered by the impact of meteorites, and the diameter of Mercury is only 40% greater than that of the Moon.
- One difference between the two is that Planet Mercury (closest to the sun) has mountain ranges up to 3km high that stretch for hundreds of kilometers, probably formed as a result of the planet’s shrinking and wrinkling during its cooling phase.
- It is thought that inside it there is a large iron core extended for three-quarters of the diameter: as on the Moon, the most recently formed craters are bright and surrounded by branched structures of material ejected as a result of meteoric impacts.
- Between the main circles are more ancient and uniform areas called inter-crater plains dotted with small craters.
- The structures excavated by the debris thrown during the most violent impacts are closer to the major craters than they are on the Moon because a greater gravity acts on the planet.
- On its surface, there is an extensive lowland, the Caloris Basin, which recalls the lunar seas, while no craters of volcanic origin are known.
The Classical Mythology
Looking in classical mythology, we can find clues on the personality such as in the symbology. This is linked to ancient Rome with the god Hermes. In Greek, we can find the symbol of the Caduceus with the winged helmet or the winged sandals. In the same god, we find traits of balance and wisdom, movement or travel and creative flexibility.
Mercury is also known as a god of thieves. Therefore, given the hand skill and speed that they must possess for their “job”. This leads to thinking that the proverb merchant thief is not an invention of today. Mercury is also known to be the planes messengers. It was said that by acting between humans and the Gods carrying their requests and messages, in both directions.
According to them, the message should fly fast and for this, its represented with sandals and wing element indicating the speed of knowledge. Mercury is not only rapid in ancient mythology but it turns out to be also in reality, being the planet closest to the Sun, it has a short revolution time.
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The planets all have practical and symbolic functions at the same time. Behind each of them, there is a mythological figure and this serves to tell us an understandable story that can give us an address and an easy understanding of the theme presented by them. Each planet refers to a component of our personality and qualities to be conquered.
Mercury, in the myth, is this nice guy, very good at getting himself out of problems by deceiving even close people or charming them with his captivating ways. In astrological language the myth is connected to the work that takes place in our mind: always active, mobile, ready to devise a thousand strategies.
To be more precise, he concerns the functions of the mind and embodies the power to interpret the surrounding reality and to form an idea, a concept, of what is observed.
The ability to learn derives from Mercury but its way of learning is the result of detached observation of the facts. He does not form an opinion because this function belongs to other planets, it is therefore an “amoral” planet that is, it does not have a preconceived morality in itself and this facilitates his function as a messenger and allows him to transport and disseminate ideas without putting anything into it. of his own.
The selection of information belongs to Mercury and if stimulated by the sign of Virgo he will know how to divide, catalog, and classify them. Mercury Gemini will take care of spreading them.
The quality of its way of acting will give it, therefore, the sign-in which it is found or the aspects it forms with the other planets. He has no polarity of his own: he is defined as androgynous because he is neither male nor female.
A mercurial function is to know how to enter into a relationship with others, that is, to relate to other people in a free and open way. If Mercury receives dissonances, it is very likely that a suspicious or timid attitude will ensue. As a metal, it represents mercury and from which it takes it’s being mobile, elusive, impregnable.
It is linked to language and the ability to express. The sign he falls into and the intersections that form with the other planets will tell us how talkative or taciturn a person is. Defects of speech (dyslexia, stuttering, etc.) are found when this planet receives heavy dis-harmonies.
We know that Mercury was the “messenger of the gods”, the one who carried orders and requests, precisely for this reason the time and speed with which the tasks are carried out have a bearing on him which, normally, is combined with haste. In addition to time, it is also linked to space because it represents travel and means of locomotion.