Their Common interests and similar personalities make them a compatible couple. Gemini and Sagittarius seem to have several common interests. The restless behavior seems a quality they both share, and rarely show any signs of calming down.
Clearly, both zodiac signs will go hand to hand well in life and may have few surprises here and there, but in the end, both will understand what it means to be friends and have the same passions for sharing.
The Gemini and Sagittarius friendship would not be always peaceful. Will Gemini and Sagittarius argue? Yes, without a doubt. They can argue extensively about who is more capable, but the good thing is that their criticisms will never last long.
It’s because Gemini will forget everything in respect to his friendship for his partner. Sometimes Sagittarius can be too impolite which could hurt Gemini’s feelings, but Gemini isn’t as daring as Sagittarius. He won’t forgive or forget too easily because they don’t like it when mocked or offended.
Despite the few differences, Gemini and Sagittarius will remain great friends. Let’s not forget that this friendship can easily be transformed into love if both signs share similar interests.
Gemini is curious and wants to know how things work in friendship. But as soon as they understand what it is they can take it to a higher level. Sagittarius has faith in his mission to also take this friendship to a new stage.
Usually, their interest to travel will mostly prove to strengthen their friendship. Gemini will learn to be more involved in life and be able to make the difference between the real and imaginary world whereas Sagittarius seems to be with feet on the ground and understand the difference.
Sagittarius will teach Gemini how to be more realistic when among friends and will show them to avoid being double-faced. If not, then Gemini will probably start losing all their real friends one by one. Sooner or later Gemini could be left alone, which should avoid it at any cost.
Life is not always pleasant and rosy. Gemini has to be real, meaning that when they are left alone, they have to face the truth and understand how to avoid depression. Sagittarius are comfortable and don’t have issues when left alone as they can get busy with a hobby like gardening if that is available or anything else that they may find interesting.
Gemini likes to have an interest in many things. Not only, but Gemini also likes to share all they know with friends or family. Gemini weakness is to be self-initiative. Gemini needs a friend to start a conversation, and then they will do the rest. On the other hand, Sagittarius will teach Gemini how they can be self-oriented.
Surely that Gemini and Sagittarius can learn from each other. Sagittarius will try to teach Gemini to see the world from the inside and find the inner energy. Being half a horse is uncontrollable for Sagittarius. Sometimes Gemini needs to restrain the Sagittarius, because there is always a crazy horse inside them and, even if it does not show it.
Sagittarius is really physical, athletic, with no limits in energy. Sagittarius is the sign of faith in life, of possibilities, of the immensity of potential, of the journey, of the adventure and of the unpredictable. This could one of the reasons why Sagittarius goes to travel more than any other sign in the zodiac.
Gemini has lots of ideas in his head. Because of love for freedom of mind and exploration and knowledge, he or she can create mass storage of accumulated information, which will use at some point to tell stories. It’s a fact that usually Gemini loses control when telling stories; hence they could say things which should not be said.
Sagittarius as the opposite sign can come to the rescue and show Gemini who needs to be able to control the flow of the thoughts and ideas and eventually sort them properly in a way that could improve the way Gemini think and talk about the world surrounding them.
This beautiful combination makes it clear that both deal with new initiatives. If Gemini has a new idea, Sagittarius is immediately ready to support it and explore it within its limits. Surely sometimes they can clash but at least won’t hurt each other’s feelings.
Let’s bear in mind, that they’re both opposite signs in the zodiac. This means that they have a great capacity to complement each other. In other words, when it’s all right, it’s great, but when there are negative moments it could be terrible.
Gemini is governed by Mercury (god of communication) and Sagittarius by Jupiter (fortune). Mercury guides the intellectual and talkative spirit of Gemini. Jupiter, in both philosophy and wealth guides Sagittarius in its constant search for knowledge and truth.
The best aspect of the relationship between Gemini and Sagittarius friendship is precisely in the respective interest they both share. Respectively in the ability to use one’s intellect in practice. Sagittarius longs for physical independence. Instead, Gemini speaks of self-freedom but has the same basic.
The experience of Gemini and Sagittarius friendship can always strengthen if both decide to tolerate. Both seem attracted by unknown sensations and are sure to experience a great adventure together. They pass quickly from one thing to another, which requires a lot of energy.