Virgo understands his friend’s needs and will come to their aid soon they ask for. Virgo spends some of his free time in obtaining extra information about his friends. Knowing more about his friends is a habit Virgo can’t quit.
Virgo loves any pageantry that gives him an outlet for his tightly controlled emotions. Hence he is a delightful companion at these events. Virgo has an exceptional artistic taste and plenty of information on several subjects.
Virgo is not poor, but he does not waste money neither. He is loyal to his friends and will be incredibly kind considering and helpful. Virgo is calm in nature and good listener of good advice from true friends too.
Usually, Virgo is always open to accept the kind encouraging words from real friends. Virgo has a good sense of logic and friends admire his capability and often will ask Virgo for advice too.
Virgo could let his friends down on a few aspects. Virgo doesn’t like going placed where it has a lot of noise. His friends should know that and have to make sure to invite Virgo to go somewhere quiet. Virgo is successful in most businesses and he is good at making money.
He doesn’t mind helping friends financially with a considerable amount, but will “make a contract” with friends, and this may not sound good to his friends.
Virgo does this because trust is in great shortage and lending money is not his best trait. Virgo hates it living in a dirty place so his house will look more like a medic clinic. When friends are invited to Virgo’s living place they have to keep it clean and should respect Virgo demands otherwise Virgo will find a way to criticize them.
Virgo likes perfection but is not perfect. He may make a mistake here and there but will not accept quite easy if friends tell him face to face where he’s wrong. Only good friends who know Virgo well know how to convince Virgo to admit his mistakes.